Merchant Cash Advance
Many people mistakenly believe that getting a commercial loan from a bank is the only way they can acquire funds. That’s a fine mechanism for larger or more established companies or for those with great credit. But if you are short on collateral or have poor credit, there is another potential solution: a Merchant Cash Advance.
The Merchant Cash Advance program makes repaying your advance incredibly simple: a small, agreed upon percentage of your daily credit and debit card sales is retained to pay back your advance. You simply spend more time focusing on what counts − your business.
Turn your future Visa, MasterCard and debit card sales into immediate cash that you can use for your business today.
Merchant Cash Advance Benefits
- No term
- No fixed payment
- No interest rate
- No personal guarantee
Get Started with Merchant Cash Advance
- Easy application
- 100% approval rate
- $5000 to $250,000
- Receive funds in as little as two days after your application is approved
- Repay the advance automatically using a percentage of your daily credit and debit card sales
- Opportunity to renew your cash advance for additional funds
- You have a Canadian-based business
- You have an active commercial lease
- You accept credit and debit cards
- You have average monthly sales of $5,000+
- You have been in business for at least 6 months